Golden Ticket winners heading to Vegas this week

Rob Arend, Jason Zuniga, and Bill Simpson are the lucky winners of TruAudio‘s Golden Ticket to Vegas giveaway and have won three night accommodations, a Vegas show of their choice, up to $500 in airfare and two tickets to CES January 6-9.
Rob Arend, owner of 24/7 Audio Video in Tempe, Ariz., found the very first golden ticket in a new shipment of the REV6Ps, a new in-ceiling home theater speaker released in November 2014.
“We had ordered just three new in-ceiling speakers for a customer, and when they arrived yesterday my purchasing manager, Cameron, said, ‘let’s open them just to see if we got one of those Golden Tickets,” Arend said. “We opened the first, nothing. The second, nothing. Opened the third, the very last one pulled out the grill, and there it was.”
While Austin Home Systems Owner Jason Zuniga was installing TruAudio’s new SLIM-PWR44 soundbar in another room, little did he know just a few feet away his client had discovered the second Golden Ticket to Vegas among the soundbar’s wrappings.
“We ordered the soundbar after the fact,” Zuniga said. “It wasn’t even in the original installation plans, and I didn’t even know I’d won until an hour later.”
After weather delays, Bill Simpson, one of the owners of Innovative Systems & Services, opened his anxiously awaited AS-2s to discover a bright Golden Ticket snug in the box.
“Because we ordered them so close to Christmas they kept getting delayed,” Simpson said. “We knew TruAudio was doing this campaign and we took one shot right at the buzzer. We did have a little anticipation once they came in.”
All three winners said they are excited to experience CES, the TruAudio Bungalow, and just have an overall great Vegas experience.
“We’re really excited to bring these dealers to Vegas,” TruAudio President Bryan Garner said. “They’ve been loyal dealers for years and they deserve to get the royal treatment.”